What We Do

Washington Friends of Wild Utah advocates for the protection of wilderness quality lands in Utah


Washington Friends of Wild Utah (WFWU) connects people living in Washington with others who share a passion for, and a deep appreciation of, Utah’s unique wild lands. If you have visited this spectacular part of the world, you already know how special it is, and the importance of protecting it for our children and future generations. If you are not familiar with Utah's red rock country, please watch this 14 minute film to learn about the natural beauty and rich cultural heritage of the region and the efforts to protect it.

Utah’s wild lands are a global treasure and protecting them requires broad based support.  Washington’s voice strengthens these national protection efforts.  WFWU is a member of the Utah Wilderness Coalition, a collective of organizations led by the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) , the Sierra Club, and the Natural Resources Defense Council, and dedicated to protecting wilderness-quality Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public lands in Utah. 

WFWU is affiliated with SUWA, the main engine working towards passage of America's Redrock Wilderness Act (ARRWA). SUWA “Friends” groups like ours, now in 15 states and growing, bolster these efforts to build a national movement to promote the passage of ARRWA and protect ARRWA lands.

To engage with SUWA, or to visit SUWA or contact SUWA’s WA-OR Field Organizer at waor@suwa.org.

Banner photo by Leon Werdinger